St. Luke’s Lutheran Church

Fort Erie (Ridgeway), Ontario

All Saints Anglican Church

Waterloo Ontario

Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church

Pipe Organ Restoration
Ingersoll, Ontario

St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (ELCIC)

Viscount Unico Model CL-6 and Custom Built Organ System
Fort Erie (Ridgeway), Ontario

New Apostolic Church

Brampton, Ontario

Our Lady of Fatima

Cambridge, Ontario

Christ the King Roman Catholic Church

Mississauga Ontario

Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church

Toronto Ontario

St Padre Pio Roman Catholic Church

Vaughan Ontario

Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church

Stoney Creek Ontario

Sisters of The Precious Blood Roman Catholic Convent

London Ontario

Providence Free Reformed Church

St. George, Ontario

Ancaster Christian Reformed Chruch

Ancaster Ontario

John Van de Laan


Schmidt Piano & Organ Service of Kitchener Ontario Canada is pleased to announce the completion of the Viscount custom Unico 500 drawknob console and custom built Schmidt Classique Organ Sound System which includes 34 speakers at the Ancaster Christian Reformed Church in Ancaster Ontario.

The system features  chancel and antiphonal systems. The 3 manual organ console was featured in a gala pre-Advent/Christmas  at Redeemer University College with a custom Schmidt Classique Organ System on Thursday November 22, 2012.

This concert featured concert organists Martin Mans and Martin Zonnenberg from the Netherlands, John Van der Laan from Ancaster, Ontario, The Hosanna Choir and Meadowlands Salvation Army Band and Redeemer’s own baroque Reil  tracker Pipe Organ built in the The Netherlands.

A festive start to the season indeed!

The custom Viscount 500 console organ was then delivered to the Ancaster Christian Reformed Church and married to the new organ sound system installed in the church in time for the first Sunday of Advent. For further information please contact:

Steinman Mennonite Church

Baden Ontario

Trinity Anglican Church

Bradford Ontario

New Apostolic Church

Port Colbourne Ontario

Immanuel Christian Reformed Church

Hamilton Ontario

St Johns Anglican Church

Beaurmaris (Milford Bay), Ontario

St John’s Presbyterian Church

Bradford Ontario

New Apostolic Church

Burlington Ontario

Trinity Lutheran Church

Ayton Ontario

Sisters Of The Precous Blood Convent

Dundas Ontario

New Apostolic Church

Restoration Work

New Apostolic Church

Cambridge Ontario New installation

Private Client

Eastern Ontario

St. Paul’s United Church

Scarborough, On

St Pauls United Church

Veterans Memorial Chapel

Sunnybrook Health Science Center
Toronto Ontario

Dieter Geissler
Memorial Pipe Organ

Solid-State Upgrades

All Saints Lutheran-Anglican Church
Guelph Ontario

Bond Head United Church

Bond Head

St Mark’s Roman Catholic Church

Stouffville Ontario

St Peter’s Catholic Church

New Hamburg Ontario

Old Windham United Church

Simcoe Ontario

New Apostolic Church

Margaret Ave, Kitchener, Ontario

Grand Choeur in D Minor
Paul Fey

Gary R Schmidt

Casavant Pipe Organ

Advent Lutheran Church

Don Mills, Ontario

Paul Fey

Gary R Schmidt

Christ Church

Reed Organ Restoration

Drayton, Ontario

First Christian Reformed Church

Barrie, Ontario

Stephanie Van Rooyen

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

New Hamburg, Ontario
